MetroHealthAnesthesia Wednesday 1300 Anesthesiology Resident Learning

4 January 2000 Resident's Responsibilities
Dr. Lisan
11 January 2000 Topic TBA
Dr. Cooper
18 January 2000 Anesthesia for Pediatric ENT Surgery
Dr. Lisan
25 January 2000 Anesthesia for the Child with Congenital Heart Disease
Dr. Lisan

1 February 2000 Physiology of Pregnancy
Dr. Fisgus
8 February 2000 Pain Relief for the Laboring Patient, Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia
Dr. Dietrich
15 February 2000 Anesthesia for High Risk Obstetrics, Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia
Dr. Bolden
22 February 2000 Anesthetic Management of Obstetric Emergencies
Dr. Fisgus
29 February 2000 Anesthesia for the Pregnant Patient for Non-obstetric Surgery
Dr. R. Sidhu

7 March 2000 Perioperative Monitoring and Management of Myocardial Ischemia
Dr. Tabbaa
14 March 2000 Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators
Dr. Smith
21 March 2000 Management of the Patient with Valvular Disease for Noncardiac Surgery
Dr. Morscher
28 March 2000 Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery, Neurologic Complications of CABG
Dr. Smith

4 April 2000 Pathophysiology of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Dr. Tabbaa
11 April 2000 Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery
Dr. Bolden
18 April 2000 Reactive Airway Disease
Dr. Fisgus
25 April 2000 Evaluation and Management of Postoperative Respiratory Insufficiency
Dr. Peerless

2 May 2000 Anesthesia for Laser Surgery
9 May 2000 Anesthesia for Ophthalmologic Surgery
Dr. Dietrich
16 May 2000 Fluid Management in Neurosurgery
Dr. Chang
23 May 2000 Management of Intracranial Hypertension
Dr. Peerless
30 May 2000 Anesthesia for Intracranial Vascular Surgery
Dr. Morscher

6 June 2000 Neurosurgical Emergencies
13 June 2000 Anesthesia and the Posterior Fossa
Dr. Chang
20 June 2000 Anesthesia for Ambulatory Surgery
Drs. T. Sidhu
27 June 2000 Anesthesia for Major Vascular Surgery
Dr. Cooper

4 July 2000 Anesthesia Outside of the Operating Room
Dr. Chang
11 July 2000 Anesthesia for Urologic Surgery
Dr. Morscher
18 July 2000 Anesthesia for Burn Patients
Dr. Pinchak
25 July 2000 Malignant Hyperthermia -- POSTPONED until 1 Aug 00
Dr. Gordon

1 August 2000 Malignant Hyperthermia (Latex Allergy, Dr. Bolden - POSTPONED)
Dr. Gordon
8 August 2000 Hypothermia, Perioperative Temperature Regulation
Dr. Smith
15 August 2000 Allergy and Anesthesia, Anaphylaxis and Anaphylactoid Reactions
Dr. Dietrich
22 August 2000 Perioperative CNS Dysfunction: Diagnosis and Management
Dr. T. Sidhu
29 August 2000 Clinical Problems in the PACU

5 September 2000 Preoperative Evaluation
Dr. Cooper
12 September 2000 NPO and Aspiration Pneumonitis
Dr. T. Sidhu
19 September 2000 Perioperative Hypertension
Dr. Fisgus
26 September 2000 Perioperative Management of Diabetes Mellitus

3 October 2000 Management of Patients with Cardiac Disease for Non-cardiac Surgery
Drs. Cooper
10 October 2000 Management of the Patient with Respiratory Disease
17 October 2000 Anesthesia and Renal Disease
24 October 2000 Anesthesia and Liver Disease
Dr. Bolden
31 October 2000 Anesthesia and Neurological Disease
Dr. Bolden

7 November 2000 Anesthesia and the Trauma Patient
Dr. Smith
14 November 2000 Anesthesia and Obesity
Dr. Morscher
21 November 2000 Patient Positioning/Nerve Injury
Dr. Dietrich
28 November 2000 Evaluation of Coagulation
Dr. R. Sidhu

5 December 2000 Indications and Complications of Blood Transfusions
Dr. Smith
12 December 2000 Stategies to Reduce Need for Transfusions
Dr. Smith
19 December 2000 Intravenous Agents
Dr. Gordon
26 December 2000 Inhalational Agents (New and Old) and Inhalational Toxicity
Drs. Morscher/Sweda

2 January 2001 Muscle Relaxants and Monitoring Neuromuscular Blockade
Dr. Smith
9 January 2001 Cardiothoracic Trauma, Management Issues
Dr. Smith
16 January 2001 Epidural and Spinal Narcotics
Dr. Tabbaa
23 January 2001 Clinical Use of Alpha-2 Agonists
Dr. Cooper
30 January 2001 Acid-Base Balance
Dr. Pinchak

6 February 2001 Autonomic Nervous System
Dr. R. Sidhu
13 February 2001 Understanding the Anesthesia Machine
Dr. Morscher
20 February 2001 Electrical Safety in the Operating Room
Dr. Morscher
27 February 2001 Capnography and Pulse Oximetry
Dr. Chang

6 March 2001 CVP, Pulmonary Artery and Mixed Venous Monitoring
Dr. Smith
13 March 2001 Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics
Dr. Bolden
20 March 2001 Regional Anesthesia of the Extremities
Dr. T. Sidhu
27 March 2001 Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia
Drs. Dietrich/Fisgus

4 April 2001 Complications of Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia
Drs. Fisgus/Tabbaa
25 April 2001 The Difficult Airway and Fiberoptic Intubation
Dr. Gordon
18 April 2001 Chronic Pain
Dr. Tabbaa
11 April 2001 The Autonomic Nervous System
Dr. R. Sidhu

2 May 2001 Preoperative Preparation of the Pediatric Patient
Dr. Gordon
9 May 2001 Pediatric Induction Principles and Technics
Dr. Gordon
16 May 2001 Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in Pediatrics
Dr. Lisan
23 May 2001 Anesthesia for the Geriatric Patient
Dr. Joy
30 May 2001 Perioperative Management of the Premature Infant
Dr. R. Sidhu

6 June 2001
13 June 2001
20 June 2001
27 June 2001 Journal Club
Dr. Joy

Send Comments to Greg Gordon MD, [email protected]
Department of Anesthesiology
The MetroHealth System
2500 MetroHealth Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44109-1998
Phone: (216) 778-4801
Last updated: